DIRECTORY CONTENT ---------------------------------------------------------- The catalog lists the galaxies in the W1 field of the CFHTLS Wide survey, 9x8 square degrees centred at 02:18:00 -07:00:00 (2000). Data are retrieved from The catalog contains 10229888 entries. It is available in two formats with the same information. # the compressed CVS version (2.8 GB) # the compressed FITS version (3.1 GB) # readmme_cfhtls: this file ========================================================== CATALOG COLUMNS # col_ID Description ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 id Unique CFHTLenS object identification ID. 2 ALPHA_J2000 Centroid sky position right ascension 3 DELTA_J2000 Centroid sky position declination 4 MASK CFHTLenS mask value at the object’s position 5 Z_B BPZ redshift estimate; peak of posterior probability distribution 6 Z_B_MIN Lower bound of the 95% confidence interval of Z_B 7 Z_B_MAX Upper bound of the 95% confidence interval of Z_B 8 ODDS Empirical ODDS of Z_B 9 Z_ML BPZ maximum likelihood redshift 10 CHI_SQUARED_BPZ chi-square2 value associated with Z_B 11 star_flag Star-galaxy separator (0 =galaxy, 1 =star) (LePhare) 12 PZ_full Vector containing the posterior photo-z probability in steps of Delta_z = 0.05. 13 MAG_u estimated total magnitude in the u-band 14 MAGERR_u magnitude error in the u-band 15 MAG_LIM_u 1-sigma limiting magnitude in the u-band 16 MAG_g estimated total magnitude in the g-band 17 MAGERR_g magnitude error in the g-band 18 MAG_LIM_g 1-sigma limiting magnitude in the g-band 19 MAG_r estimated total magnitude in the r-band 20 MAGERR_r magnitude error in the r-band 21 MAG_LIM_r 1-sigma limiting magnitude in the r-band 22 MAG_i estimated total magnitude in the i-band 23 MAGERR_i magnitude error in the i-band 24 MAG_LIM_i 1-sigma limiting magnitude in the i-band 25 MAG_y estimated total magnitude in the y-band 26 MAGERR_y magnitude error in the y-band 27 MAG_LIM_y 1-sigma limiting magnitude in the y-band 28 MAG_z estimated total magnitude in the z-band 29 MAGERR_z magnitude error in the z-band 30 MAG_LIM_z 1-sigma limiting magnitude in the z-band =================================================================================== NOTES - MASK: If MASK>0 the object lies within a mask ((see Table B2 in Erben+12). However, objects with MASK<=1 can safely be used for most scientific purposes. - star_flag: This is the Coupon et al. star/gal classifier. A star is identified with star_flag = 1. This flag was derived by comparing the chi-square from stellar template fits to the chi-square from galaxy template fits and folding in size information. Stars and galaxies are separated using a combination of size, i/y-band magnitude and colour information. For i<21, all objects with size smaller than the PSF are classified as stars. For i>23, all objects are classified as galaxies. In the range 213.5 that, in a small number of cases, has non-zero probability. In CFHTLenS analysis, the collaboration set a hard prior that there is zero probability past z>3.5, which corresponds to normalising each P(z) to one. - MAG_LIM_[ugriyz]: These are 1-sigma limiting magnitude measured in a circular aperture with a diameter of 2*FWHM, where FWHM is the seeing in this band (see image header). ===================================================== REFERENCES # Erben+12 # ==================================================== Mauro Sereno, mauroo.sereno(at) History: * 05-Mar-2015: Original version =======================================================