File Summary: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FileName Lrecl Records Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ReadMe 80 . This file LC2-all_v1.0.dat 246 822 LC2-all catalogue LC2-single_v1.0.dat 246 485 LC2-single catalogue (table 2 of the paper) LC2-substructure_v1.0.dat 246 18 LC2-substructure catalogue LC2.pdf . . Paper . . Compressed archive of the files -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of files: LC2-all_v1.0.dat, LC2-single_v1.0.dat, LC2-substructure_v1.0.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 29 A29 --- Name Cols. 1-2: Literature object name 32- 43 A12 --- RA Col. 3: Right ascension (J2000) from literature (HH:MM:SS.sss) (1) 46- 57 A12 --- DEC Col. 4: Declination (J2000) from literature ( 60- 66 F6.4 --- z Col. 5: Redshift 69- 70 A2 --- MatchCODE Col. 6: N: NED's object was associated by name; P: NED's object associated by positional matching; NA: no found association. 73-101 A29 --- Name_NED Cols. 7-8: NED's Preferred Object Name 104-114 A11 --- RA_NED Col. 9: Right ascension (J2000) from NED (HH:MM:SS.sss) 117-127 A11 --- DEC_NED Col. 10: Declination (J2000) from NED ( 130-137 F8.6 --- z_NED Col. 11: Redshift from NED 140-159 A30 --- AuthorCODE Col. 12: Author code of the reference 162-182 A21 --- BIBCODE Col. 13: ADS bibliographic code of the reference 185-190 F6.3 10+14Msun M2500 Col. 14: Mass within an overdensity 2500 times the critical density (2) 193-198 F6.3 10+14Msun Delta_M2500 Col. 15: Uncertainty on M2500 201-206 F6.3 10+14Msun M500 Col. 16: Mass within an overdensity 500 times the critical density 209-214 F6.3 10+14Msun Delta_M500 Col. 17: Uncertainty on M500 217-222 F6.3 10+14Msun M200 Col. 18: Mass within an overdensity 200 times the critical density 225-230 F6.3 10+14Msun Delta_M200 Col. 19: Uncertainty on M200 233-238 F6.3 10+14Msun MVir Col. 20: Virial mass 241-246 F6.3 10+14Msun Delta_MVir Col. 21: Uncertainty on MVir -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note (1) when RA and DEC are not quoted in the reference paper, coordinates were taken from the NED. (2) the quantities are: MDelta = 4/3{pi}*(RDelta)^3^*Delta{rho}_c_(z), where {rho}_c_(z) is the critical density ({rho}_c_(z)=3H(z)^2^) RDelta is the radius within which the mean over-density of the cluster is DElta times the critical density at the cluster redshift. The reference cosmology is the flat LCDM with Omega_M=0.3 and H0=70km/s/Mpc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acknowledgements: Mauro Sereno, mauroo.sereno(at) History: * 17-Sep-2014: Original version (_v1.0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------